What are WallArt panels made of?
WallArt panels are eco-friendly made from recycling the sugar cane stalks after the juice is extracted. It is effectively a stiff paper pulp material so is very easy to work. 

What colour do the panels come in?
The tiles only come in a standard natural off white colour which can be painted any colour desired.

What type of paint do you use?
The same water based paint you would use on any other interior wall in your home.

Do they have to be painted?
No they do not, but painting them will add protection to the panels and allow them to be wiped down and cleaned, treated just like any other painted wall in your home.

How do you paint them?
WallArt panels can be brushed, rolled or sprayed. While a spay finish is best, excellent results on most of the patterns have been produced, using a 110 mm long Haydn ‘mini’ roller available from most hardware stores.

How easy are they to install DIY?
WallArt is easily installed by the average DIY person. Our customers have commented frequently that WallArt is “easier to install than wallpaper”. 

Can you use WallArt on a ceiling
Yes, the panels are very light weight so can easily glue to the ceiling in the same method as walls. No other fixings are required but the glue alone. 

How thick are the panels?
WallArt panels are just under 2mm thick and have embossed patterns approximately 16mm deep.

What is the weight of each panel?
280 grams so light and very easy to handle. 

Are they easy to trim?
Yes, WallArt panels are very easy to trim. The panels can be cut with a standard craft knife, or you can use most power tools to make the cutting job easier and faster. Such Power tools as: circular saw, hand grinder with thin cut-off blade or Renovator type multi-tool.

Are the panels solid when you cut through the patterns?
WallArt panels are embossed so hollow, which will expose air gaps if you cut into the patterns. You can put a wooden or aluminium moulding along the edge similar to tiling if these voids will be visible.

Can WallArt be glued straight onto concrete or masonry walls?
The recommended Gorilla Wallboard Adhesive is ideal for fixing to timber, steel framing and battens, as well as other common interior building elements such as ceiling tiles, hardboard, metal, concrete or masonry.

Can these be used as a kitchen splash back?
Yes you can use them in the kitchen but it is very important that they must be sealed and painted completely to protect them from water or steam getting into the raw panels which could damage them. I would recommend leaving a gap above the bench top before starting the WallArt panels if possible to prevent water lapping up against the panels. We do not recommend WallArt to be mounted directly behind the cooktop as they do not offer fire protection.

Can you use them in the bathroom?
If the WallArt panels are not completely 100% sealed and protected from moisture and steam produced in bathrooms, then you will have problems, similar to other unprotected building materials. Therefore WallArt NZ does not recommend using the panels in bathrooms with showers/baths.

Can WallArt panels be used behind a wood fire?
It is impossible for us to know how much heat will be exposed to the panels in each individual case, so we have to recommend against using WallArt directly near wood burning fires.

Can they be easily damaged by kids?
We have not had a single issue with children damaging the panels. More common are the kids drawing on them or sticky finger marks, which is common on standard flat walls as well and just like a flat wall after painting them you can wipe them down or even repaint to freshen up later on. 

How strong are the panels?
If you lift a table and bang the square corner into a standard flat plaster board lined wall, it will put a dent in the wall. Similarly if you do the same to WallArt panels this will happen also, but just like plaster board you can repair with plaster over the dent and paint to look like new again. For large impact damages to the WallArt you can remove the damaged panel and put a replacement panel on.

What are the WallArt panels acoustic properties?
WallArt was solely developed to be an attractive decorative wall surface lining product. We currently do not have any acoustic test data to be able to claim any advantages in this area at this stage. A recent customer installed them in their home recording studio and has this to say, “Acoustically these are good and a very affordable option to cut down standing waves and reflexion in Home studios and home theatres”.

Can you use them outside?
WallArt panels are an interior product only.